Archive for January 2013

9t's GRUNGE.

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Long time no speak.. Haven't had a spare minute at all these past few days I usually work at the end of the week in the evenings and have college in the day so really that's not a lot of time to breath.
Anyway when I finished college on Thursday I was walking round some of the Cha'shops and found some beauties to add this weeks challenge outfit and by the swing of things It looks rather festivalesque, retro, in-your-face, over the top, vibrant, bright.. Can you think of anymore? Haha

I found a Collar, Zip, shirt (more than likely 90's) in a light linen cloth. Gorgeous feeling when you wear it so soft but it currently smells like moth balls MINGING, Straight in the wash for you, Thank-you very much! I practically stole this off the rails for £1.89  knocked down on sale at the YMCA shop. Next door to the YMCA was The British Heart Foundation, popped in there for a browse and bought for adjustments a men's formal shirt, The Quality is brilliant and even though it was £4.50 I really didn't mind dishing out for it because the condition was so good.. I'm planning on taking it in around the waste and bust and taking the arms of and sewing them into a corner fold on the shoulder so it'll flatter any shape or size, I wont be using this shirt for this weeks outfit maybe for next week we'll have to see!

dee i why?

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Marks & Spencers.

Usual Price for a top like this about 95p ..I Bought this for £1.99
Yesterday I posted the vintage earrings and the Levis 501 belt, WIN. Today on my way back from college I stumbled across a grungy looking charity shop in a dingy corner of town 'Extra Care' I thought "It's no Diamond so their prices must be reasonable".. How wrong and naive I was. My scrimping purse was scorched. I walked away with a few quirky items, Ryan Giggs' Biography for the boyf' and a crappy over priced navy blue T'. But you're probably thinking if it was that rubbish why did you buy it? Well i'm going to make it pretty!! Hahaa.        

Here's how I went about changing this T' up!

1. You'll need a spray bottle a 3rd bleach the wrest water, spray into large splodges and almost immediately (depending on how strong your formula is) the bleach will react with the dye in the cotton and send it a dark pink color, the more you build the bleach up the brighter.

First sprayed.
Galaxy Print -Layering the bleach!
2. Now personally for me the typical T-shirt cut doesn't look too good on me. So I cut the sleeves off and added some custom pyramid studs the shoulders and various other places.

I think Juno Likes this one better!

Attention to Detail

£1.99 now looks possibly £12.99
I've seen T's like this in Ark and H&M and I've made my own for a fraction of the price.

£18.50 - £1.99 


charity crawl . .

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Welcome to cheapdom, I've picked up a pair of vintage costume jewelry Earrings bright gold and coral green, its got spring written all over it! Also on my travels i stumbled across this stunning LEVIS Strauss belt at first i thought 'Oh Shiny' got a bit closer and read 'LEVIS 501' and nearly wet myself in the middle of an Age Uk Shop I found it in the men's section and realised it was way too small for any bloke I've seen so I had to snap that up for myself. I don't know whether its authentic or whether its just a fake but either way you slice it, it looks just as good as any and could fool anyone.
Amazing craftsmanship and detail.

Accidental Find 75p
One of a Kinds! Also 75p

Best Buy of the Month!

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I'm a massive fan of wedge shoes. Any type of shoe with a wedge on it, has got to be mine! The other day I took trip to Primark with the boyfriend and Mother in-law and i fell in love with these bad boys!..
Like I said had to have them, and come on at £15 you just can't say no. These shoes are incredibly comfortable and honestly i reckon you could go hiking in them and not find a single corn or blister. The plus side to this gorgeous pair is that they look high when you're wearing them but they feel virtually flat, a downside would be that they are in fact suede, and suede gets dirty pretty fast and in some cases if you get them wet they never go back to their original look. Despite all that I recommend you get yourselves down to Primark and grab a pair, these things are going to fly off the shelves, You can get them in red, black, mocha and brown, colors that go with everything.. wah-lah!

I wouldn't be me without these..

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In order to get the benefits for a fraction of the price i always use ... may seem like something your mom would use but some of the high end fashion houses drop their prices on here or have 'sales' all the time. If there's something i'm completely in love with i always go straight to amazon because i'll bet you a pound to a pinch of shit they've got a cheaper version of what you're looking for.

For instant inspiration on up and coming outfits, whether that's for going out going to work or college it'll be on here. is full of some amazing young talent and it always helps to have a peak of whats going on                 around the world. When you have a mental block this is the best way in which i can think of to revive your ideas.

These little things are like the holy grail when it comes to saving, i know that boots can be a bit more expensive than place like Superdrug and what not but every time you buy you do save and if you haven't got your card with you when you make a purchase ask them to put them on a receipt for you and wall-ah! I know everyone's heard of these but when you're getting the essentials it helps, if you haven't got enough money you're card will always have that little extra for you.

I remember when i was in middle school and my Mom would go into charity shops, I used to hide round the corner and wait until she had finish, i would never go in them because if the kids at school saw me in one i knew that i'd have some name calling come Monday morning, but now these places are becoming one-stops for a lot of people such as myself and you can pick up some massive bargains! I tend to stick to Age uk shops, Salvation army, British Heart Foundation and any interdependent charity's. I normally stay away from Oxfam, Cancer Research or any of the well known ones as they put their prices really high and yes i know its for charity, but knowing that the item you are buying belonged to someone else once before and you're paying nearly the same price as retail then its really not worth going to the charity shops is it? BIG TIP: If you don't have a job and you're struggling to find one, volunteer some of your time each week at your favorite charity shop and put it on your Curriculum Vitae (CV) employers will bite your hand off to hire you, and a little inside info, believe it or not you do get a discount working at charity shop which can be 10% -30% not bad considering your giving up your own time?