
(The Shoe, Not the Vehicle)

I was reading the other day that people are throwing their Vans away when they get dirty..
My first pair of vans were from Schuh, they cost me £45 I had to beg, borrow and steel to eventually buy them, and to this day there is NO WAY, I would just chuck them away because of a bit of muck.

If you've got a stain a baby wipe can normally sort that out.. but if you wear your shoes to work like myself they might get a bit dirtier than you'd expect. I'm not going to hide it I work in a chip shop so you want yourself a really comfy pair of shoes as the job involves a lot of standing and running about.. and after a month or so this is how mucky and disgusting they look..

I know, gross, these cost me £30 at that price that means they're made to last, not to be thrown away, but to clean them its quick and easy,

1. Hoard some dirty bath towels.
2.Put your Vans and towels into your washing machine.
3.Put your washing powder in, and set to your daily wash, or any 30 minute cycle.

Half hour later.. They're as good as new.

People say not to put your shoes in the wash, but if you put it on a short timer your shoes wont be in there long enough to damage the drum. If you put towels in with your shoes they basically act as a cushion and also stops your laces getting caught in the drain holes. You'll also notice that the spin cycle wont be as fast as normal, Don't worry you haven't broken the washing machine.. While you're shoes are tumbling round the drum the washing machines special calculator brain will think that there is a lot of clothes on the cycle and it will automatically go slower, so panic over! Any questions? Get in touch.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 20 February 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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